Cranford Roof Cleaning can drastically increase the lifespan of your roof. As roofs age, they begin to look a little lack-luster. Weather conditions like rain, snow, sun and wind can all leave your roof full of black streaks and splotches. Before you start thinking that your roof needs to be repaired or replaced, it may only require a good cleaning.  Moss, mold, and other debris can be removed and make your roof look as good as new. Taking those streaks and splotches off the roof will keep them from damaging the shingles and materials below them and cause your roof to last much longer!  But what causes all those streaks and splotches? Today, we are going to look at some of the causes of a roof that requires Cranford roof cleaning services:

Cranford Roof Cleaning | Causes of a Dirty Roof

Mold & Bacteria – In the case of a dirty roof, many times bacteria is the culprit.  More specifically, a species called gloeocapsa magma. This is a type of algae that love to live on your roof. After it begins to grow, it starts to slowly decay the granules on your shingles which can eventually lead to the loss of the granules. These granules are are the protective layer of your shingles, and if they come off, your roof can lead to damage. This bacteria can also cause those nasty looking streaks and splotches. If you notice your roof is starting to look dirty, contact your local roofing contractor today to have your roof cleaned.

Regular Wear and Tear – Sometimes the streaks and blotches are just from regular wear and tear that all roofs go through. Rain, snow, UV sun rays and strong winds can cause temporary streaking that won’t necessarily cause immediate damage to your roof, but it is visually unappealing and can still cause damage over time. If you leave it alone for years, it can shorten the lifespan of your roof. If you schedule regular cleaning, you can keep your roof looking great and lasting as long as possible. Regular roof cleaning can keep your roof healthy for well over 20 years.  It is best to schedule regular cleaning Waiting to see the staining and streaks to have it cleaned means the damage is already occurring. Don’t wait.

Deegan Cranford Roof Cleaning

Deegan Roofing is a Cranford Roof Cleaning contractor that has been providing expert roofing services to the North Jersey area for well over 2 decades. We provide services such as: expert roof replacement, roof installation and much more. For more information about our services, call us today at: 908 322 6405 or visit our website:

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