Gutter systems play an essential role in protecting your home from moisture intrusions. Without gutters, rainwater would simply run down the exterior of your home, promoting the growth of mold and mildew and potentially even compromising the integrity of your foundation. Gutters and downspouts channel this moisture and deposit it a safe distance from your home. Today we’ll look at a few of the most common questions we hear from home owners about their gutter systems.
How Many Downspouts Should I Have?
The answer to this question will vary slightly depending on the layout of your roofline, but as a general rule you should have one downspout for every 20 to 30 feet of guttering.
How Often Should I Clean My Gutters?
Twice a year, bare minimum. If you live in a heavily-wooded area, you may need to clean them more often than that. This is especially true if your home has pine branches overhanging the roof. Fallen pine needles can quickly clog gutters and disrupt the flow of water to downspouts.
What are Seamless Gutters?
Traditional gutters come in pre-cut segments that are connected during the installation process. Seamless gutters come in one continuous segment that is custom cut and fitted at the time of installation. This is advantageous because it means your guttering won’t have weak points where leaks could occur.
How Long Should Gutters Last?
On average, aluminum gutters last at least 20 years. Galvanized steel gutters have comparable lifespans. Copper gutters are extremely long-lived, but also far more expensive than more common options like aluminum.
Still have questions about your home’s gutter system? Feel free to give us a call today for more information!
NJ Gutters
NJ Roofing Company
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